Mexican National Flag
ARTICLE 3.- The Mexican Flag consists of a rectangle divided into three vertical stripes of identical measures, with the colors in the following order from the flagpole: green, white and red. In the white and center section, it has the National Coat of Arms, with a diameter of three-quarters of the width of the stripe. The ratio between width and length of the flag is four to seven. It can have a loop or tie in the same colors, at the foot of the “moharra”. A model of the National Flag, authenticated by the three branches of the Union, will remain deposited in the “Archivo General de la Nacion” and another at the National Museum of History.
ARTICLE 10.- February 24, has been solemnly decreed as Flag Day. On this day special radio and television programs must be transmitted to disseminate the history and significance of the National Flag. On this date, the powers of the three orders of government shall carry out civic acts in commemoration, veneration and exaltation of the National Flag.
ARTICLE 11.- In terms of this Act, all Federal Administration civil entities and units, as well as State Governments and Municipalities will honor the National Flag in a civil ceremony on February 24, September 15 and 16 and on November 20 of each year, regardless of the raising of the national labarum as specified in the calendar by article 18, act that may be carried out without special honors. Public institutions and legally constituted groups, may also perform honor ceremonies to the National Flag, observing the solemnity and rituals that are described in this Law. The National Anthem shall also be played during these ceremonies.
ARTICLE 14.- The civil greeting to the National Flag will be in a firm standing position placing the right hand flat on the chest, palm down, at the height of the heart. Men will salute with their heads uncovered. The President of the Republic, as Supreme Commander of the armed forces, shall salute it in military fashion.
ARTICLE 16.- The National Flag will be raised on a daily basis at the Government Branches’ headquarters buildings, at the Immigration office, Customs, Port Authorities, International Airports; in diplomatic and consular offices abroad and at the Monumental Flag Pole in the Constitution Square in the capital of the Republic.